iPod touch でお絵かき
catsinさんがiPod touchのお絵かきソフト(Sketches)で絵を描いてらしたので,真似して私も.
まずは指先で描くのは無理ですんで,静電スタイラスを制作.iPod touch の静電式タッチパネルはある程度接触面積が必要なようで,ドライバーのさきっちょ程度の導電体では反応しません.ソーイングセットでいろいろ試してみて,結果,スナップボタンく らいの面積があると反応することが判りました.
ボタンに穴をあけて,ちょうど余っていたW-ZERO3[es]用スタイラスの先を通しました.あとは手の静電気をスナップボタンへ伝えるための糸通しとスタイ ラスをくっつけて完成. 傷が気になるので,スナップボタンの裏側にはメンディングテープを貼っています.
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Looks pretty neat. Could you possibly send me those instructions in english if at all possible it would be much appreciated
Posted by: Robert | 2008.07.06 06:44
catsin the picture scratching software of iPod touch (Sketches) with drawing the picture, because it seems it is, imitating, me.
With PDA which you buy the fact that temporarily the picture is drawn is rule, die (laughing)
First as for drawing with the fingertip could be unreasonable, the electrostatic stylus electrostatic type touch panel of production .iPod touch does not react in order is for the touch area to be necessary, with the conductive material of the tip [tsu] [chi] [yo] of the driver. The varieties trying trying with sewing set, when there is an area about of the result and the snap button, it understood that it reacts.
Boring the hole through the button, exactly W-ZERO3 which is excessive [es] it passed through ahead the business stylus. After attaching the thread sequence and the stylus in order to convey the static electricity of the hand to the snap button, you complete. Because the scar becomes matter of concern, [mendeingutepu] is pasted on reverse side of the snap button.
So, the picture which this draws. The fingertip compared to can draw the fact that the picture it seems. Simply, the button disturbing, without being visible, it does the nib .......
The ↓ which it tries making animated picture
thats what it says in english yeah it was in japanese. source: dictionary.com translater......
Posted by: kim | 2008.06.30 11:35
Great!!!!...But ummmm..... Could you e-mail them in english?
Posted by: Lily | 2008.06.19 15:58
hey, could you email me some instructions for this in english please,
Posted by: robq | 2008.04.02 07:04
Thats awesome
but its in japanese
or some asian text
could you email me the instructions
Posted by: matt | 2008.02.14 09:40
Brilliant, could you send me some further instructions on how excactly you made it. Is it as simple as it looks?
Posted by: Mikael | 2008.01.23 16:47